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Meade 10 Starfinder Dobsonian

This Meade telescope is no longer available, but can be purchased secondhand. Once you own a Dobsonian you will always have a soft spot for them and I think you’ll be happy with this Meade Dobsonian.

Now you’re getting into the big aperture, please read the page on Telescopes – Myths and Misconceptions where I explain the difference between magnification and aperture. With the larger aperture on this Meade telescope you are going to get some great views of deep sky and the planets.

The optics on the 10″ Dobsonian Meade telescope are excellent. I viewed all my favorite deep sky objects with excellent results. M27 Dumbbell Nebula was stunning, showing sharp and detailed structure. I also viewed M8 Lagoon Nebula, M20 Trifid Nebula and M31 Andromeda Galaxy all with very good results. The arms of the Spiral Galaxy were clearly visible.Meade 10 Starfinder Dobsonian

The only problem I found with this telescope is the bearings, but this telescope was 5 years old so I think it is doing well and the problem can be fixed. Not all the 10″ have this problem as Meade has redesigned them. But if you find problems with the bearings sticking you can fix it by replacing the “side bearing nylon pads” with two felt pads that are greased with white lithium oil.

Overall this Meade telescope performs well. And when it comes to viewing you will not be disappointed. The images are clear, crisp, and sharp with a larger array of objects to view.

This is a large Meade telescope, but not so large that it is hard to transport or move around. I can move it around without any assistance.

Product Description

  • Aperture – 10″
  • f/4.5 Dobsonian
  • 5×24 Viewfinder
  • Eyepiece 26mm 3000 Plossl.


This Meade telescope has excellent views. Highly recommended. You can purchase them secondhand, try looking at these sites. Astromart have a huge range of secondhand scopes and accessories, simply type in “used telescopes” in the search box. Or you can try E-Sci

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