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Orion SkyView Pro 6″LT EQ Reflector

Priced around $499. SkyView Pro with Dual Drive $548.00

If you’re looking for a telescope primarily for deep sky viewing then this Orion telescope is for you. This new, very attractive Orion telescope is in gunmetal grey. It will provide 60% greater magnification than you get from the shorter model using the same eyepieces.

Orion has redesigned the cast-aluminum cell which provides good ventilation, this means a quicker cool down time. Excellent mount which has all-metal head features, dual setting circles, dual slow-motion controls, and steel tube tripod legs. In fact this has to be one of the best tripods I’ve seen made that will not cost you a small fortune.

Orion SkyView Pro 6 LT EQ Reflector

I have only had this new Orion telescope for two nights but what I have seen has been impressive. The optics are excellent. The star test was surprisingly good with only a trace of overcorrection.

I had very clear and dark sky to test this telescope on full power. I first viewed the Spiral Galaxy and could just make out two arms. The Horsehead Nebula showed some color and M57 the Ring Nebula was clear and well defined, you can clearly see the dark hole in the ring. I went on to view Andromeda Galaxy and could clearly see the dark lanes, I also viewed the Orion Nebula which had a good resolution.

This Orion telescope will be very popular among amateur astronomers, I am already seeing them turning up at star parties. You may want to take a look at getting the drive system with this Orion telescope, as you will quickly get tired of turning the cables, especially when you’re using high magnification as an object will shoot across field of view.

I also recommend you take a look at Starry Night software if you are new to astronomy. It is a excellent way to learn about the night sky by giving you information on any object you choose.

Starry night also allows you to plan your night’s viewing by showing you where an object will be at any particular time. This is handy if you want to know when the great red spot on Jupiter will be in view. There are three versions to choose from and it is suited for all ages.

Product Description

  • Orion telescope aperture – 6″
  • 1200mm focal-length (f/8.0)
  • 6×30 Viewfinder
  • 1.25″ Aluminum rack-and-pinion focuser and collimation cap
  • Eyepieces – 2, 1.25″ Sirius Plossl
  • 45.5″ long optical
  • Equatorial mount with stainless steel tube legs


This new Orion telescope is excellent. The scope is light and portable making it excellent for field work. I highly recommend this Orion telescope for the beginner or intermediate whose first love is deep space viewing. You will find this and other Orion telescopes at Catalog City

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