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Orion Telescopes SkyQuest XT 10″ Dobsonian

Orion Telescopes

Here is the aperture we all thirst for at a low price. This is now my third 10″ Dobsonian that I have been able to use over a four week period. The optics on all three Dob’s have been excellent with little or no collimation needed.

I have seen the Orion Dobs’ next to more expensive telescopes and the 12.5 Meade Dobsonian, even though it’s the cheaper telescope it has stood up to the big guys very well. I have viewed all my favorite deep sky objects on my list and found the 10″ performs very well.

Orion Telescopes skyquest XT10

The Dumbbell M27 had a good detail to it as did the Ring Nebula M57. You can see the two arms of the Spiral Galaxy quite well.

If viewing the planets is your primary goal, you won’t be disappointed. When viewing Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, you will find detail and depth with views that are crisp and clear.

You will get a much better performance if you upgrade to a better eyepiece as this telescope will handle 27mm and 35mm quite well. You will find the Orion Dobs’ lack the problems of the Meade Dobs’ with side bearings sticking and other mechanical problems.

Orion has put together a great package with these telescopes at a price that most can afford. The photo you see here does not do the 10″ Dob justice.

This Orion telescope weighs around 58 lb. Please keep in mind that the telescope could be hard for some people to transport and carry.

I have been asked many times which Dobsonian I felt was the best. I would have to say that Orion would be my first choice with Meade in second place.

Meade Dobs seem to be a work in progress whereas Orion seem to have worked out all the problems. As far as the optics are concerned there does not seem to be much difference between Meade and Orion telescope.

Orion Telescopes Recommendation

The Dobsonian Orion Telescopes are a top package at a top price. I would recommend them to anyone who is looking for large aperture at a low price.

Catalog-city has the full range of Dobsonian and other Orion telescopes.

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