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Orion SkyView Deluxe 8″ EQ Reflector

Orion SkyView Telescopes

If you’re looking for a telescope primarily for deep sky viewing then this Orion telescope is for you. The big bonus here is the price from $649 to $529. The Sky-view 8″ can grasp light on the same level as the 8″ Schmidt-graininess and 73% more light than the 6″ Sky View.

I have only had this telescope for one night so this will be a quick review. The optics seem to be good. The star test was surprisingly good with only a trace of over-correction.

I had very clear and dark sky to test this telescope. I first viewed the Spiral Galaxy and could just make out two arms. The Horse-head Nebulae showed some color and M57 the Ring Nebula was clear and well defined, you can clearly see the dark hole.

Orion SkyView  Deluxe 8

I also viewed the Globular Clusters which were clear and with a crisp resolution. Even though I only had the telescope for the night I was very impressed with what I did see.

They seem to be very popular among amateur astronomers, I am seeing these very portable Orion telescopes everywhere. You may wish to get the drive system with these Orion telescopes, as you will quickly get tired of turning the cables. Also the cables will get in the way.
This will bring the price up to around $563.95. It is worth the money because the object will shoot across the eyepiece when you are using high magnification. You may wish to buy a Barlow lens, this will give you more magnification to the eyepiece.

I also recommend you take a look at Starry Night software if you are new to astronomy. It is a excellent way to learn about the night sky by giving you information on any object you choose.

Starry night also allows you to plan your nights viewing by showing you where an object will be at any particular time. There are three versions to choose from and is suited for all ages.

 Orion Telescopes Recommendation

These are wonderful Orion telescopes and even better with the price reduction. These Orion telescopes are light and portable making it excellent for field work.

I recommend this telescope for the beginner or intermediate whose first love is deep space viewing. You will find this and other Orion telescopes at Catalog City.

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