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Reviews on Dobsonian Telescopes

Dobsonian Telescopes – Would you like more aperture for less money? Here we review all the different brand name Dobsonians you will find on the market today and see how they compare to each other.

Why are Dobsonian telescopes popular among amateur astronomers all over the world? Some of the reasons for their popularity are – ease of use and their low price in comparison to aperture. Read the reviews and learn more.

Reviews on Dobsonian Telescopes Priced Under $500

Orion SkyQuest XT 4.5 DobsonianHardin 10 Dobsonian

Celestron Star Hopper 6′ Dobsonian

Meade 6′ Starfinder Dobsonian

Orion SkyQuest XT 8′ Dobsonian

Meade 10′ Starfinder Dobsonian

 Reviews on Dobsonian Telescopes Priced From $500 to $1000

Discovery 10′ DHQ Dobsonian

Orion SkyQuest XT10′ Dobsonian

Meade Starfinder 12.5′ Dobsonian

 Reviews on Dobsonian Telescopes Priced Over $1000

Meade Starfinder 16′ Dobsonian Telescopes

Starmaster 11′ EL and 24′ Truss Dobsonian

Obsession 15′ Dobsonian

If you are new to astronomy there are accessories you can buy to help you in your new hobby. A sky map will be important to help you find your way around the night sky, Amazon sell the Celestron sky maps plus astronomy books and videos.

Or you can buy Astronomy software. I use a software called Starry Night. Not only will it help you find objects in the night sky to view, it will also give you information on any object you want plus a photo taken by the Hubble telescope. You can plan a night’s viewing as Starry Night can give the position of any object at any time. The software is suitable for all ages. I highly recommend it.

If you would like to view the images from the Hubble Space Telescope, go to the best site on the net The Hubble Telescope. A great site for students or for anyone wanting to explore our amazing universe.

Reviews on Meade Telescopes

Reviews on Orion Telescopes

Reviews on Celestron Telescopes

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