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Telescope Reviews Testing The Top Brands

Telescopes – Now more than ever before there is a huge range to choose from. From Reflectors to Refractors from Apochromatic to Dobsonian. Which is right for you?

Stellar Link Award – presented by astronomylinks.com

The following information will, hopefully, help you in your decision. You will find reviews on the top band telescopes divided into three price categories.

  • Under $500
  • From $500 to $1000
  • From $1000 and up.

Telescope Myths and Misconceptions – We will expel the myths and provide you with information on what you can expect from your new telescope. For Example:

  •  What will you be able to see through your telescope?Celestron Telescope
  • Will objects look like the pictures from the Hubble telescope?
  • What is the truth about magnification?

Fixing Common Telescope Problems – You can learn the basics on collimating your telescope and cleaning optics and eyepieces.
It is my hope that with my 20+ years of experience in teaching astronomy, you will be provided with enough information to be able to make an informed decision on which telescope is right for you and your wallet.

Astronomy is a great Hobby, but buy the wrong telescope and it can be a “Hobby Killer”. There are those out there that will tell you that astronomy is an expensive hobby and that a good telescope will cost the same amount as a small car. And that’s true if you’re planning on buying a $20,000 telescope (not many of us can do that).

Yet not one of these critics has mentioned that a good telescope, whether it costs $200 or $20,000 will be with you for the next 20 years or more. That makes this a very inexpensive hobby, not even a car will last you that long without costing you a small fortune in upkeep. But buy the wrong telescope for your needs and it will cost you dearly.

You will find the reviews are written in plain English (that means there is no telescope jargon) The telescopes reviewed have been tested out in the field for several weeks. The review will tell you how good or how bad the viewing is, what the good points of the telescope are, and its problems if any. The best advice I can give you right now is to contact your local astronomy club. Go spend some time with them, better yet join a club. You will find that the club members will be happy to help you in any way they can and they’ll love to show you their telescopes (we love showing off our telescopes).

What I love most about astronomy, is that anyone at any age can enjoy this hobby. Don’t forget to bookmark this site as there are regular updates and new reviews added.

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